
btw, is it “Doughnut” or “Donut”? Hmmm…
REFERENCE: movie “Tron Legacy”
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Ha! It’s like a new type of discus event.
I think it is either but I go with Donut because it is faster to spell.
That’s still a great power! I’d wield it pretty darned good myself.
@MJ: yup, it is! Everyone is a winner if they use a donut instead!

@Bearman: Hahaha, faster to spell. I will go with your recommendation
@George: Yeah, it will be a great super power! Hmmmm… donuts…
“Doughnut” would be the British version, while “Donut” would be the simplified American version. At least that’s what I like to believe. I think they taste the same either way, though. Unless it’s some sort of discus.
@Binky: Haha, they sure do taste the same either way
Just went to answers.com, it simply said, “Lazy spellers” hahahaa, funny 
Cool. Tron doughnuts. hey thanks for the visit my friend.
@jb: Hey, thanks for the comment
yeah, Tron doughnuts would be cool. No problemo, I enjoy going to your site! 
The idea of a “Chocolate Chip Cookie Doughnut” sounds good in theory but probably isn’t good for anyone’s heart.
@Jason: Probably much better than a bacon doughnut though, haha!
The Maple Bacon Donut
And about the spelling, I guess it’s mostly an American thing.
Nicely done. Love how his expression changes from serious in panel 1 & 2 to bewilderment in panel 3 with his big eyes. Love the pushed cartooniness of it.
Ha Ha Donuts & Cops just go together like Cops & donuts. I like the contrast between the 1st 2 panels & the last one. Great work Alex
@Frank: Thanks for the compliment! At first I wasn’t too sure how to draw the contrast but it turned out okay
@Tony: Thanks Tony! That is definitely a great combination, but so is Donuts & Donuts (I love donuts!!! and the reason why I gained 25lbs since last year… Doh!)
actually I think the Brit ones have the hole filled with some kind of gooey stuff. I love your art down the side!
@Collen: oh really? but sounds yummy
Thanks for the compliment! My lil bro drew them 
hehe! I like the expression on his face when he realizes it a doughnut
@Hjortur: Hahaha, thanks! Well, if it was me, I would be happy if I knew it was a doughnut