
It looks like Golle is up to no good again… Poor Alle…
REFERENCE: fast food restaurant “McDonalds”
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The truth about LA!
Amazing what one word will do. Your style of drawing makes it even funnier. Great stuff
Hehehe,,, hey wait, this is very dark sick humour. well hahaha anyway. you’ve cleared up a mystery for me. Those guys actually CAN read!
Gosh, fast food really is bad for you. And those who sell it. I like your interpretation of the Golden Arches
Three times today and he’s still there? Alle must be incredibly brave! And lucky to be alive.
@otomo: Mean Streets…west coast style!
@Frank: Yes, Alex indeed has a unique view of the world! xp
@Colleen: Hahaha, good point, I guess their literacy was sort of in question. Did we ever have a comic where they had to read something? I don’t remember. As for the dark and sick humor. As long as I’m editor, it will probably only get darker and sicker. >:]
@Tony: Fast food doesn’t kill people. Drive-bys while getting your fast food kill people. The arches had me lol’ing too! It reminded me of McDowell’s “Coming to America.” :3
@Binky: Alle’s dedication to his job is beyond reprise. He must be broke or something…
Ha,ha,ha. Great expressions, and action.
Some places even have those bulletproof windows for their workers. Please install one in your comic.
@MJ: Our compliments to Alex!
@Jason: Some of the Popeye’s in Brooklyn have them. Some of the White Castles too, haha! I guess Alle needs to un-n00b himself and beef up the security.
That’s one dangerous burger joint!