
LBJ had to make tough “decisions” but this is probably the toughest of all.
BTW, did you know that Coke contained cocaine up til 1903? In 1903, the formula was changed to include “spent” coca leaves (the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process) with trace levels of cocaine left over at the molecular level. Now, they use cocaine-free coca leaf extract flavoring. Anyways, I personally like Pepsi because it’s sweeter.
REFERENCE: basketball player “LeBron James“, drink “Pepsi“, drink “Coca-Cola”
Indecision can be such a tough taskmaster. I like Pepsi but often buy Coke as well
Nice way to capture LeBron James. Maybe he is a pisces. They can never make up their minds. I should know.
I’m a cola lover.
I remember the Pepsi challenge. They made you eat crackers in between tastes. I liked the crackers best.
@Tony: I am so indecisive when it comes to ordering desserts… ice cream or chocolate cake… Hmmm…

@Frank: I should know too! I’m pisces! No wonder why I am so decisive when it comes to ordering desserts!
@Goeber: tan tan ta~~~n! *It’s okay Alex, it’s okay… not everyone in the world is a pepsi lover like you… just breath in and out… in and out… phew)
@Jason: Hahahaha, they does sound like a yummy cracker
Oh, is that why u made Alle pick Pepsi? Hahaha! I’m actually a Pepsi lover too… I think Pepsi is a lil more sweeter than Coke.
I prefer Pepsi too, but actually don’t drink soda very much. I’ll take the chocolate cake, though!
@kuricho: You didn’t know? All these years and you didn’t know I liked Pepsi?!!
@Binky: Yah to Chocolate Cake!!!!!
A minor league baseball team in Peoria, IL has named tomorrow “LeBron Championship Ring Day” in which they have actual staff to give out ‘imaginary air rings’ to the fans that show up. Hahahah
@otomo: What? Really? Hahaha, that’s funny!
I’ll take Pepsi and chocolate cake
No matter how fresh it is…Pepsi always tastes flat to me. I’ll stick with Coke.
@Bearman There’s a reason Coke is still on top, and I don’t think it’s only because of advertising. Som people just swear by it. No other soda quite has that special battery acid punch in the mouth! I like both. I can’t say I like one over the other necessarily. But, for me, nothing beats a Coke and some pizza!
My favorite soda, hands-down, is Dr. Pepper though, haha!
To say he can’t make up his mind is a bit harsh. Let’s just say he’s decision-challenged!
Yes, Pepsi all the way!
It is always tough making lifes hard dession.
@Yoken: I forgot about Dr. Pepper! Yay to Dr. Pepper!!!

@Mark: Haha, yeah, maybe too harsh. Decision-challenged~!
@MJ: That’s what I’m talking about!!! Yay to Pepsi (and Dr. Pepper)
@Jb: It is, it so is. Especially for a guy like me who struggles what to order in a restaurant
I’ve always preferred Coke over Pepsi, although I can’t really tell the difference. I think I just like the red packaging of Coca-Cola better. Eh, marketing.
@George: Ah… power of marketing. so true… so true…