HAPPY (belated) FATHER’S DAY!!! Whether you are a proud father or a privileged son, I hope everyone had the opportunity to enjoy this great day!!!
REFERENCE: movie “Star Wars”
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└ Tags: Star Wars
Is that a ploy by Luke just to get close to kill him with his mini saber?
I guess we’ll have to wait for FATHER III to find out!
Made me smile. Well done.
@Bearman: yup… that is the plan… hehehe…
@otomo: I’m glad you liked it
Such a touching moment
@Tony: You’re right. It’s not about the Light or Dark side. It’s simply the Happy side
Very well done. I could see this on a Father’s Day card.
Hahaha niice!!! I really like this one! Yeah FATHER III will be interesting…
@Frank: Father’s Day card? Wow, that is a biggest compliment anyone can get
I bet Darth Vader doesn’t get too many happy Father’s Days.
@Binky: Hahahaha, probably so. But still it would be cool to have him as a dad
Use the Kleenex, Luke! Love the tears in Vader and Yoda’s eyes! Great toon!
@Mark: Vader, tears of joy. Yoda, tears of… well, mixture of lots of emotions
thanks for the compliment! 
Wouldn’t a gift card for the Cantina suffice? Ha,ha,ha!
@MJ: Hahaha, true true. Gift card would have suffice, why didn’t he think of that?
Poor old Yoda; seeing his sadness over Father’s Day just reminds me of the 2000 Year Old Man’s lament: “I have over 42000 children…and not one of them comes to visit”.
I just love father son moments. And happy
Endings. Bring a tear to my eye.;)
@DadaHyena: Hey! Thank you for the comment!!! And welcome to American Otaku
Wow, and “…not one of them comes to visit…” OOooohhh! Too sad! 

@Jb: Yay to father-son moments!!!
Aw, such a tender moment. I’d give my right hand to experience such love. Sorta like how Luke did.
Nice comic!
@George: Haha, giving the right hand like Luke? nice
Well done!
@Hjortur: Thanks!