Some tricks Robin learned from the Joker
REFERENCE: comic “Batman”
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└ Tags: Batman
… I want my money back.
Robin is a bully and in this day and age it is popular to be a bully to bullies! or something like that
Bruce needs to lighten up a bit!
Robin is cruising for a bruising!
Bruce is gonna have a hard time running after Robin in that thing..lol
Ha Ha Guess Mr. Wayne struck out on that costume change. How much would a costume like that cost anyway??? Just a ballpark figure will do…
He goes by the name tripod now..haha
Robin, being the purist that he is, forewent the cheap Walmart neoprene costume, went all out, and made it out of wood. Some might say that playing a trick on your boss is an instant out. But, considering how bored he must be and how long he has lived under Batman’s shadow, I say home run!
But yes. He will be getting hurt now. Badly.
Robin won’t think it’s so funny when Batman bats him.
@Victor: I know! It would be a horrible movie if he fights crime in a baseball bat suit!

@Scholar Mel: Bully the bullies. Oh wait, is that a double negative? My bad, it was just me getting confused
@JerryBenedict: Haha, he should. All that crime fighting made him a grumpy old man.
@Hjörtur Hjartarson: Cruising for bruising? Haha, I like that rhyme
@Jenn: He sure will have a hard time! but once he catches Robin… oh man, he is so dead
@Tony McGurk: Hmmm… bullet proof… hidden weapons… and since its not on sale… I assume, maybe $30,000? just a wild guess. what do you think?
@Bearman: Hahahahaha yup, that is his new name
@Yoken: Haha “home run”? Good one, Yoken, good one
@Binky: “bats him” hahahahaha funny reply, appropriate for this comic
Love the new suit, Batman. It’s a hit!
Hahaha these comments are starting become more fun than the comics!!!
I bet Robin did have quite a few jokes he liked to pull on ol’ Bruce like sugar in the Batmobile’s gas tank and whatnot.
Robin has now been entered into the Villian Database. Ha,ha,ha! Thanks huge for dropping in over at Tooned In and supporting the funnies. I just have too many features that need to get done on deadline as of late. I try to keep up and do eventually get caught up.
Nice to know Robin had a sense of humor. Very funny.
Can’t wait to see the redesigned Batmobile!
That Batman gives a whole new meaning to sporting wood.
@Jason: definitely styling in his new suit

@kuricho: I know, man! Comments are waaaay funnier than our comic!
@George: yup, I think so too. Oh Robin… up to no good. Maybe he’s a bit bitter for living under Batman’s shadow for so long
@MJ: Hahahaha, yup, he’s a villian now! Tooned In is looking good as always!
@Frank: Yup, and hopefully Batman will get one too
@Spencey: hahaha, yeah, I wonder what other things he did to the Batmobile. And,Spencey, welcome to American Otaku!
@Mark: “sporting wood”? Hahaha, good one, Mark
Batman has a lot of room for his balls.