YAY! Our 100th comic!!! Thank you very much for being an awesome fan of American Otaku! This comic marks an important milestone for American Otaku, but these past few months have been especially meaningful to me. A good group of very talented webcomikers have been regularly commenting on my comics and/or have joined our facebook page. It is the building of such relationships that continues to motivate me to draw comics. I hope we’ll continue to build on this foundation and encourage, challenge, and support one other. And, I will like to take this opportunity to thank the following fellow artists:
Addanac City by George Ford
Animatic Press by Frank Hansen
Chloroville by Victor Wong
The Daily Grind by MJ
Flying Sparks collaborative work of Jon Del Arroz, Michael Yakutis, Sanju Nivangune, and Ren McKenzie
Goeber and Cindy by Daniel Barton
In the Way by Jason
JBStuff by JB
Manic Comics by Hjörtur Hjartarson
The Misadventures of SuperMilo by William Boyer
Scapula by Aidan Casserly
The Superpower Union by Daniel Elliott
Tix-Comix by Collen
T.M. Comics by Tony McGurk
Wombania by Peter Marinacci
Zombie Boy Comics by Mark Stokes
Thank you, thank you, and simply thank you.
Btw, is anyone going to the Webcomics Con? I believe this is a new convention catering exclusively to webcomics! I will likely attend and it would be cool if we can meet up there. Just a thought.
REFERENCE: movie “300”
Woo Hoo! Congrats on the milestone. I’ve only recently started reading, but really dig the funnies! Good stuff! Very cool Spartans likeness, bravo!
Who! The big One, O, O..
Congratulations and keep them coming.
Webcomics Con sounds awesome but it’s a little to far away for me :/
Congrats on your 100th comic!
Congrads my friend. Heres to many more toons.
Yeeeeaaaah! 100! Who needs Spartans when you’ve got webcomics!
Welcome to the world of 100!!! Wait, am I even in that club. I have to go back and count.
@MJ: Thanks for reading the comics and your compliments means a lot!

@Hjortur: Thanks! Yup, will definitely keep it bringing. I’m not sure about Webcomics, but I’m sure I’ll make up my mind as the day approaches
@Goeber: Thank yooooouuuuuuu!!!
@JB: Thank you, my friend!
@DadaHyena: Haha, that’s right! Who needs anything when we got webcomics!!!
@Bearman: Yes to 100!!! Haha, I’m sure you are in the club
Congratulations on the 100th comic, Alecho! And thanks for including me on your list!
Congrats on hitting 100!
@Binky: Thanks for congratulations! Of course you are on the list! Thanks always!
Congrats! I like how the men in the first frame are all buffed up and then suddenly out of shape in the second
Aww, that’s cute. Grats man!
100 strips!! Wow, congratulations! Thanks so much for the mention and for your continued support as well. Keep up your great work, it’s always something I look forward to! Here’s to the next 100 and beyond!
YAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Congratulations Alecho on your big milestone!!! It’s been a pleasure to be one of your regular visitors as I really enjoy your comics. Thanks for the mention in your list. I have no idea how many I’ve done, never stopped to count them. Now I will have to but I’m sure it will be nowhere near 100
Bravo my friend!
Congrats! Love the way you handled this milestone. Thanks for the shout out too. Love the style of your comic. It mixes great with your humor.
Gosh that was a surprise. I just counted mine & I’ve done 154. I was expecting it to be about 60 or so…
Happy 100! Does this make your comic an old man?
Congratulations on your 100th comic! That’s a monumental milestone. here’s to many, many more.
@Victor: Yup, they are all tough at first but then back to their true self in the 2nd panel. btw, one more comic til your 100th! exciting!
Here we come 200!

@otomo: Thanks for the congrats!!!
@Mark: Thank you for your kind words. I always look forward to reading your comics too (especially when there is Gorr, haha)
@Tony: 154?! Nice! Already surpassed the 100th mark and I hope you’ll continue bringing more
@Yoken: Bravo to you!!! AO can only come this far because we have an awesome editor and friend like you! Thanks always!
@Jason: Hahaha, yes, the comic is now official an old man
@George: Thanks George! Here’s to many, many more to everyone here!
@Frank: Hey there! sorry for the late reply. For some reason, your comment was not approved until now. Sorry. Thanks for the congrats and enjoying AO
Thanks everyone for your support and comments!!! It definitely gave me a passion to draw more comics!
Congrats on your 100th comic!!!
@kidzcomic: Thank you!!! and Welcome to American Otaku!
Congratulations on a 100 very funny comics!
@classyzombie: Thanks!!! Looking forward to another 100!
Well done! 100 strips is quite an accomplishment!
@JerryBenedict: Thanks!!!