Hello! I was away from webcomics for couple weeks and your patience is much appreciated! Well, back to comics! And apparently Hulk still has no sense of humor. Once again, THANK YOU for sticking around!!!
REFERENCE: character “Hulk“, game “Rubik’s cube”
That is EXACTLY what I want to do when I get one of those things in my hands! Welcome back, Alecho!
They should never include Bruce Banner in reindeer games.
It seems like it was a bad idea to give Bruce Banner one of those!
Ha Ha you portrayed the frustration that these cause nicely. I actually have a Rubiks Cube appearance in one of my upcoming cartoons soon.
I bought one of those in Hong Kong when they 1st came out before they were available in Australia while I was in the Navy. One lunchtime I was sitting on the quarterdeck trying to work it out & my frustration levels went through the roof. The cube was hurled with great anger into the Indian Ocean. There’s probably some frustrated little kid on the coast of Africa who owns it now.
P.S. Welcome back!!!
I could only ever get one side and the line around the side. That’s it.
I think that’s the way most Rubik’s cubes were solved.
I have had a few controlers that know that feeling all to well.
Ha,ha,ha! Hulk Smash!
I’m with Hulk, here. I hate Rubik’s cubes.
Hey that’s cheating!
Hahaha I guess that’s how Rubik’s cube is supposed to end. Destroy it and reconstruct it back to its normal form.
I “solved” a Rubik’s cube once. But it involved taking the stickers off and rearranging them, haha!
@ Yoken: I think that is the only way to conquer it
Hahaha! Awesome! I solved my cube long ago by taking it apart and putting it back together. Welcome back!
@ Tony: It wasn’t as elegant a solution as MC/Curtis’s, but it got the job done.
That’s why I won’t let him play with play with my toys
Love this one!
Hulk smash beats Cube…thus endith the lesson.