Be careful of what you ask for
REFERENCE: movie “A Nightmare on Elm Street”
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Yikes! I can feel his instant regret.
This would also make a great Op/Ed comic too! .. IRS/middle class, Oil industry/offshore environments, politicians/corruption reform
I immediately thought of my upside-down bank loan and my mortgage company refusing to help me.
Lesson: never ask a complete stranger to touch your own personal body!
You could call it a little too much of a good thing!
Freddy may be scary but he’s a darn good back scratcher.
I wanted my back scratched, not filleted !
I would mind a little freddy rubbing on my back. Just don’t push so hard.
Best to look before you ask!
@George: Glad you feel his pain

@kidzcomic: Ah yes… the mortgage…
@JerryBenedict: Agree! Too good to be true
@Tony: Hahahaha, true that!
@Mark: Hahahaha, yes, me too! But the sound of Fillet is making me hungry!
@Bearman: guess what? me too… hehe…
@Binky: Good advice! That could’ve prevented all this
Ha! You got me. I expected Wolverine. Ha,ha,ha!
There you are, was wondering where you went. I really need to start using RSS feeds.
He shouldn’t be surprised… The only person who’d accept a random request to scratch a stranger’s back would be someone creepier than the guy who made the original request.
I’ve never had that dream and I hope I don’t… the one where I can’t reach the itch.
I bet his back no longer itches, though…
@MJ: Haha, Wolverine would’ve been a good one too

@Otomo: Hey there! Yeah, was away for couple weeks. But glad I caught up with your comics, looking very good
@Chris: Hahaha good point! Wait, is that why nobody asks me to scratch their back?
@Scholar Mel: yeah… that will truly be a nightmare. Yikes!
@classyzombie: Hahaha yup, i’m sure it’s not… but full of scars!
@Collen: Lesson learned!
such a nightmare!! Have you watched most of those Nightmare of Elm street movies?
@Jenn: Well… truth is… I haven’t seen any of the Nightmare of Elm street movies… I get scared very easily and me screaming is not a pleasant scene
Uh-oh! I hope he was asleep. Otherwise Freddy is loose!
Quick! Call The Dream Warriors! What? Unlisted?!
@MC/Curtis: Freddy is loose! Everybody run away~~~
speaking of nightmare, my nightmare is where I am naked in school and on a day when there is an exam, which I didn’t study for… I get this dream at least once a month.
Never let Robert Englund put his mitts on ya!
@DadaHyena: I’ll make sure of it!
Just googled Robert Englund and didn’t know he was in so many movies other than Nightmare on Elm.
Freddy has probably been waiting many years for some one to ask him to scratch his back.
@Hjortur: I’ll ask him to wait couple more years if he’s gonna scratch my back with that claws
Alecho! When’s the next comic comin? And I suggest watching the Nightmare on Elm Street movies with your girlfriend, it’s a guaranteed cuddle-movie.
hehe. love it.
@Jenn: Horror movie with my gf… oh man… she better prepare for me screaming!!!!

@Goeber: Thanks!!! Glad you are loving it
I know, I know Freddy should scare me but for some reason, as a kid he freaked me right the hell out. I know he’s cheesy but man, every year or so, the motherf#@%er makes a guest appearance in one of my dreams.
The only thing worse is Pennywise the Clown…
minus the last part with the Spider