Star Wars’ Greatest Hero – Wedge Antilles!
on November 22, 2008 at 7:21 AM
Star Wars gave birth to many iconic figures- Darth Vader, Yoda, and Boba Fett are just few names high on the list. But who is the greatest “ace pilot” of all time? He survived all three battles of the Rebellion against the Empire (Episodes IV-VI). He played the lead role in the X-wing books and several Dark Horse Comics series, and is also a playable character in numerous Star Wars video games including Rebel Strike? All this without Jedi Mind trick or a lightsaber. His name is…WEDGE ANTILLES!
Wedge Antilles is one of the most celebrated characters among Star Wars fans. He is widely popular and known as the “survivor” – the only minor character who survived the entire original trilogy. He was an orphan as a teenager, lived as a smuggler, recruited as a X-wing pilot, conquered numerous missions objectives including the destruction of the Death Star, founded the Rogue Squadron, and was eventually promoted to the rank of General. He is a true war hero.
Denis Lawson played Wedge in all three original Star Wars films (Episode IV-VI). Coincidentally, he is the uncle of Ewan McGregor, the actor who played the young Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lawson’s name is misspelled “Dennis” in the credits for Episode IV.
Denis Lawson played Wedge in the classic trilogy except during one particular scene. During briefing scene for the Battle of Yavin in Episode IV, Luke Skywalker briefly chats with Wedge, who was played by another actor (who looks nothing like Wedge) named Colin Higgins. Fans refer to this character as “Fake Wedge“. If Lucas thought he could sneak that one by the fans, I believe Wedge would respond by saying, “That’s impossible even for a computer!”
Sources: Wookieepedia, Wikipedia,