Now we know why Pikachu hates returning to his Poke Ball.
Reference: game “Pokemon”
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He looks more like a pig-a-chu. Ha! Pigachu.
Being jammed into a plastic ball all day can’t be healthy. Even if he didn’t end up suffocating, that’s a pretty sedentary lifestyle.
It can’t be very comfy in there. I know nothing about Pikachu so I don’t really understand the last panel.
What are they feeding him that ball?
well now we know what you do inside a ball for a long period of time.
I don’t really know Pikachu either. Is it that he got all fat and out of shape from being kept in the ball for so long?
To all: Pikachu is suffering from the negative effects of being inhumanely stuffed into a plastic ball for days at a time without adequate oxygen or nutrition.
It’s gotta be pretty tough to be stuffed into a ball like that…
Poor Pika.
Hahaha so that’s what happens behinds the scene of a G rated cartoon! It’s just too gruesome to show so they had to cut this scene!!!
@Everyone: Thank you for all your comments! I have a HUGE exam in couple days so I’ve been MIA this week. Thank you for the comments and I’ll make sure it read everyone’s comic after the exam!
HAHAHA! What have they been feeding him!?!
That last panel just plain scare me.
He looks like he’s bean having a bad diet. Or his diet has become BRAINS!
I’m not too familiar with pikabo or pokohonischoo… whatever that little character’s name is but is he supposed to be that fat?
@Scholar Mel: He’s a little chubby, but he’s not supposed to look bloated and sick, haha! He usually looks like: this.
I believe Pikachu is projecting his disgusting state upon those kids.
Ha, ha, ha!
I don’t think I can look at Pokemon ever again without thinking about this strip!
Alex, nice! You traumatized everyone by defiling Pikachu, haha! …that was your goal right?
@Yoken, thanks!
It feels very old school here with no thraded comments.
Yeah, it adds a nice retro feel to the site doesn’t it? Well…retro as far as we computer geeks are concerned anyway, haha! Thanks Alex!
You think THAT’s disturbing; you should see the clubs Team Rocket goes to after hours!
Haha! Not as innocent as they look huh?
Come to think of it, they’ve been doing this for nearly 15 years. So, I’m sure Team Rocket should be well-settled into their “adult” lives by now right? Haha!
I have just been traumatized
Their faces, in the last panel, are going to give me nightmares.
That last panel makes me think that Pikachu power has morphed from lighting attacks to some sort of Nightmare-Vortex opening power…messed up stuff.