
There are two things you don’t wanna mess with: the Dark Side of the Force and a waiter’s revenge for bad tipping.
This famous scene is never too old to watch again!
REFERENCE: movie “Star Wars”
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I need to eat with Vader. Might improve the service at some places.
@Bearman: yup, I think so too! Some places definitely need an improvement. I don’t know about you guys, but I always get bad service whenever I go to IHOP… and it doesn’t matter which state I am in.
Holy moli, I will never eat at the Death Star again..
Is that Darth Vader working as a restaurant waiter or is it his cousin Chad Vader?
If I were a waiter with the power of the force, I would just sit in a corner and float meals to people.
Gosh I guess tipping is really in your best interest then. If you want to keep living.
Customer: I can’t pick anything up with these chopsticks.
Darth Waiter: May the fork be with you
Admiral Ackbar: It’s a trap!
Hahaha Darth Waiter: May the fork be with you. That’s funny!
@Hjörtur: Yup, definitely gives you 2nd thought about eating there, eh
Darth Vader is the Waiter, and Lord Sith is the cook.

@Jason: haha, that’s the proper way to use the force
@Tony: I agree with kuricho… Darth Waiter? May the fork be with you? hahaha, too funny.
@Yoken: hahaha, Admiral Ackbar… always awesome
I’ll give you a tip: If Darth Vader is your waiter, tip very very well!
@Binky: haha, thanks for the tip
let it be a warning to everyone, haha.
That’s why you bolt if you leave a bad tip!
Ha,ha,ha! Funny material.
@otomo: I’m usually a slow runner, but I can be surprisingly fast when it comes to leaving behind a bad tip
@MJ: thanks! I just subscribed to your comic. Good stuff!
I know a few situation where that would come in handy.
@jb: hey! Thanks for the comment. I know! The Force will come in handy in many situation. Like… when my brother takes the last of my chocolate chip cookies…
Alecho, uh oh… I like chocolate chip cookies too. We should enforce a “no force choking” rule.
@Yoken: no can do… nobody messed with me when it comes to chocolate chip cookies
Hey, just checked out your strip. Awesome stuff!
@Dan: Hey there! Thanks for the compliment! I’m enjoying reading the development of Captain Amazing-man!!!