
Innocent peek-a-boo…or stalking? Or just an ingenius use of one’s super powers?
REFERENCE: comic and movie “Thor”
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That a show you would like to watch.
@Goeber: hahahaha, yup!
Hahaha I luv Heimdall’s serious face in the first two panels!!!
I just saw that movie this weekend. Great stuff. And yeah, that is a little creepy now that I think about it!
Natalie Portman is pretty. Has anyone pointed that out yet? [in facetious font]
@otomo: yeah, it was a good movie, great CG and action. Yeah… creepy peeking eh

@Jason: hey there! thanks for the comment! haha, yeah, she is pretty! How can I forget about that
If you can’t trust a god not to be a peeping tom, I don’t know who you can trust.
@Binky: I would like to say you can trust me, but I’m sure I’ll do the same with such super power
I would like peeping tom superpowers..
I mean check on women for safety reasons..
hmm, That doesn’t sound any better.
@Pawn: hey! Thanks for your first comment! yeah… sure… “safety reason”…
I’m enjoying your comics! good stuff! 
Pawn’s idea is a really good one. We can never have too much security around the women-folk.
@Tony: Haha, yup
That’s what I’ve been telling my gf when I’m peeping her, but, she usually replies with a mean look 
This is awesome. I just say this movie yesterday. So it was perfect timing. Love how your humor combines with your art work. Really great stuff.
@Frank: hey! thanks for the compliment! I’m really enjoying your comics (the “whipping” and “lashing” still gives me the laugh, hahaha)
Ho! Ho! Hey, it’s celestial stalking! Since they’re gods, it can’t be against the law. Funny strip!
@Mark: Hey there!!!! haha, celestial stalking? hahaha, funny!!! Thanks for the comment!